Monday, March 08, 2004

Kerry = Clueless

I just love this quote out of a Time Magazine article interview with John Kerry....

I suggested that all the evils of Saddam Hussein alone were not a cause to go to war.

LOL. This was crap Howard Dean was spewing, and his campaign went up in flames. So will John Kerry's.

I love to read Steven Den Beste and he sums up exactly the situation in Iraq that John Kerry fails to see.....

It has been a long and slow and very expensive process. The price has been steep in both blood and treasure, but more and more Iraqis are coming to believe that we are sincere and steadfast, and that this opportunity is not illusory.

Let's be clear that it is precisely our willingness to make sacrifices which has purchased that credibility. The Iraqis don't give a tinker's damn about international approval, and are not impressed by pious words and pompous statements. They see Americans on the ground, all over Iraq, working their butts off to try to make Iraq a better place. They see Americans being killed by insurgents attacks, and not lashing out brutally at the population as a whole or giving up and leaving. And they see "world opinion" constantly criticizing the US and making the argument that the invasion was wrong and Saddam should have been left in power.

This coming election isnt just about america. When you go cast a vote you will also be deciding the fate of 25 million Iraqi's. I dont think the average Iraqi is gonna be too happy to see the UN come back into their lives the way John Kerry wants it too. Afterall, why should Iraqi's embrace the organization that was trying to keep them in bondage? And most americans arent going to vote for a guy that says, "that all the evils of Saddam Hussein alone were not a cause to go to war." Unlike John Kerry, most americans have moral standards.

Sorry for this political post, that quote really ticked me off.