Forget About Getting Carlos Beltran
This will surely upset Ivy Chat who would love a Patterson/Beltran type deal like I would. But Hendry is nixing any idea that he would be trading Patterson.
"I have no intentions of trading him. None. He's going to be a very, very good player. I know that he's a very, very good guy. He has skill and a lot of character. We like to have guys with both, and he's one of them."
– GM Jim Hendry on trading CF Corey Patterson, in the May 28 Chicago Sun-Times
When the Cubs say they arent going to trade you to the media, they will not trade you. Much like how the Cubs discuss how they might pursue Rey Ordonez, or Jose Hernandez they usually get them.
I think in time Patterson can develop into a very good player. But hey its Carlos Beltran. I dont think Patterson can ever be as good as Beltran is right now.
Also Hendry isnt to concerned with our mounting injuries.
"I haven't had any serious discussions with anyone, despite what everybody has been speculating,'' Hendry told the newspaper. "My priority is getting our own guys back." Hendry plans to reassess the Cubs' trade needs in June and July, but he needs to know how banged-up the roster is at that time.
Ummmmm can someone tell him how banged up the Cubs are right now so he can get this team some real help besides Rey Ordonez?
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