Friday, June 04, 2004

Aisle 528 did a post about a Reds blog site called Reds Roundup who does more crying about the Cubs than his own team.

I did a post about how he is probably a disgruntled White Sox fan. Turns out, I was dead on the money. I had never visited any other site on the MVN network until today when I did a google search of my site that brought me to the The Whitesox Times. This blog is written by Charles Rector who also writes Reds Roundup.

So i decided to go back and check the comments of the post I made and saw this.

Charles Rector was our former White Sox Times correspondent. For personal reasons, we decided to make a change. Charles was nice enough to offer to take over the Reds blog while we searched for a writer.

I dont know what kind of horse and pony show the MVN guys are running. But taking a guy who rants about the Cubs 75% of the time and 25% Whitesox and then making him the Reds blogger who rants 75% of the time about the Cubs and 25% about the Reds really doesnt help them attract readers. Its neither informative nor gives his readers or the MVN guys serious credibility. Charles Rector looks like more of a jack ass by trying to write for 2 teams while keeping his same theme of pure negativity about the Cubs.

If MVN just gave him a blog that was titled the Anti-Cubs Web Blog he would probably get a loyal following of people who just want to hear rotten news about the Cubs. Instead they try and pass him off as a guy who truely cares and wants to bring more information to the Whitesox and Reds community. It insults fans of those teams looking for information about their team. In my world they call that a scam. MVN should be ashamed.

UPDATE: Charles Rector isn't making any fans in the Cubs Blogger Army. Public Enemy #1? Though judging by his writing, he isnt out to win any freinds on the Cubs side, so he probably doesnt give a spider monkey's damn.