Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Memorial Day Reminder

I know its late, but put into perspective what is going on in Iraq. If you don't understand war then you shouldn't comment on it, or try and jump to conclusions. The prison abuse photos are not proof of a failing America in Iraq, the hundreds of dead soldiers is also not proof that we have failed in Iraq.

Can you imagine what our media today would of done with Operation Tiger, the D-day training exercise that cost 800 American soldiers lives when German E-boats attack the naval convoy? If that kind of incident happened now, D-day would never of happened. Because afterall America can never correct its mistakes, how can we possibly penetrate the Atlantic wall if we cant protect a simple training exercise from being attacked?

The Battle of the Bulge, imagine how that would be portrayed in today's media. OMG Hitler struck back, the war is lost, we cant defeat the mighty Panzer divisions they have pushed back our lines when we thought they were defeated. How could the Germans possibly counter attack? Who failed in the intelligence gathering? Why did our soldiers have to needlessly die.

Imagine how today's media would portray the siege of Bastogne. American soldiers surrounded, put into an impossible situation. President fails to properly equip its soldiers for combat in Bastogne, no winter weather gear, no ammo, no guns. We need a congressional investigation into why our President refused to properly equip our soldiers.

The fact is in a time of war, plans rarely go off without a hitch. The same applies in Iraq. We set out a plan, and when something goes wrong with that plan it is then adjusted. Military commands are very adept at doing this. They try and plan for every possible thing but in the end it is impossible to cover all your bases. Nations, Generals, leaders have all suffered setbacks at one time or another, battles have swung back and forth on the field with both sides nearly on the brink of defeat only to finally triumph because they held their lines and refused to give in.

Sadly the perception in Iraq is that we need to be perfect on everything we do. One bit of bad news and people start clamoring for us to give up, to cut and run. I ask this question, should we have cut and run after Pearl Harbor? Should we have cut and run after Operation Tiger? Should we have cut and run and left Europe to Hitler after his counter attack? Our own history is plagued with setbacks, yet we pressed on to make things better and not to repeat the mistakes of the past. That is what makes America a great nation. We can learn from the mistakes of our past and try to correct them to make the USA a better place. That is what we are trying to do in Iraq, so they don't repeat the mistakes of being controlled by a murderous dictator, to allow the people to have the power, not the government. To allow everyone to have a chance at freedom and opportunity, not just the Baath Party loyalists.

Our soldiers over the past 100 years have gone around the world to help secure democracy and freedom to those who couldn't fight for themselves. When ever a nation is in trouble do they call on the French? The Russians? The Germans? The Japanese? No, they always call on the United States. Because they know we wont try and make them part of an empire. All that we ask in return is land to bury our dead. Hundreds of thousands Americans lay dead in Europe, where is our empire if we are bent on controlling the world? How did the side that was liberated by America and its allies compare to dictatorship rule by communists? Is South Korea worse off than North Korea? Yet we are failing in Iraq according to some.

When the Germans surrounded Bastogne they asked for the surrender of the American units. The general in command sent back a 1 word reply. NUTS!!! That is exactly what I think of when I hear people saying we are failing in Iraq. They simply have no concept of what real failure is. They also have no vision, and probably don't give a rats ass if Iraq turns into a hell hole again or becomes free as long as our soldiers aren't over their. They believe its their problem and we have our own problems to deal with. Ya know like the Michael Jackson trial, are taking to court McDonald's for making people fat because they have no SELF CONTROL!

Lets get something perfectly clear, the United States of America has no problems as bad as Iraq does at the present time. If we can sacrifice to help 30 million people have a little of what we have then it is well worth it. The people who say otherwise are heartless greedy bastards who would spit on you rather than help you, because it might inconvenience them.