Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Out of Touch

If you want any more proof of the self destruction of the Democratic Party, you need look no further than the point man Robert Byrd in the opposition to Condolezza Rice being appointed Seceratary of State.

"I have stood on this Senate floor more times than I can count to defend the prerogatives of this institution and the separate but equal – with emphasis on the word "equal" – powers of the three branches of government.


John Dickinson, the chief author of the Articles of Confederation, said in 1787, "Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."

In case you don't know, Robert Byrd is a former KKK member speaking out against the first African-American woman nominated for Seceratary of State while qouting from the guy who wrote the Articles of Confederation of the Slave States. You think the Democrats could of picked anyone but him? Rice won confirmation easily 85-13.

Old news, but I could not believe the Dem's allowed the KKK guy to even open his mouth. Simply amazing.