Wednesday, August 18, 2004

It Is Not Our Fault. It is You That Is The Problem.

A poster (Adam) on the Cub Reporter suggested maybe the Cubs are getting the raw deal on calls because of all their whining to the umps on balls and strikes over the last 2 years. I found that an interesting thought and it could be entirely possible that the Cubs have gotten a bad rep with umpire crews that we are just that. A bunch of whiney cry babies. Which in turn means we aren't going to get the benefit of the doubt calls, we will have to earn everything. I stopped short of calling it a conspiracy, because I highly doubt umpire crews in Cubs games get together and say, "Let's screw over the Cubs for what they did on such and such a date."

Then I read this from

The Cubs insist they are not paranoid, but that doesn't mean the umpires aren't out to get them.

That was the opinion pitcher Kerry Wood and manager Dusty Baker expressed Tuesday.

Yet this is the excuse.....

Baker says he believes the Cubs are being singled out.

"It seems like we are sort of victimized by having a lot of fans and a lot of fans who are into it a lot of times," Baker said. "Well, what if you don't have a crowd? Do you get a different suspension?"

Baker noted no fans threw anything on the field or ran onto the field after Wood's tirade.

"It doesn't take much to incite our fans, No. 1," Baker said.

You know if you stupid fans would just calm down, Kerry Wood, Latroy Hawkins, and Carlos Zambrano wouldn't loose their cool. It is your fault, it is you fans. Calm the hell down!

Wood is perplexed.

"I have seen a lot worse get a lot less days," Wood said. "Inciting the crowd, in my opinion, that's the reason I got suspended. I wish we had been on the road and that wouldn't have happened.

"I'm a competitor and I was out there in the heat of battle. It's human nature to be upset about it."

Wood says he believes the umpires generally are picking on Cubs players and coaches.

I am not saying there is a conspiracy but Cubs players and our own manager are suggesting it. Oh Dear, the excuses barrel must be running low now.

You got an under performing team, pitchers going crazy, what do you do? Blame it on the Cubs fans. How about just accepting the blame for your actions instead of pawning it off on other people? Wood, Zambrano, Hawkins all got what they deserved.