Sunday, January 30, 2005


Congrats to the Iraqi people on giving the finger to the anti-democracy people. Voter turnout is being reported at way over the expected levels. Only mild violence at voter areas with some 25 Iraqi's killed. Not nearly the death and blood shed expected by many on the left. Another step forward for Iraq while the doom and gloomers wanted this election delayed. This is why we are fighting, look at that pictures.

Look at the pride of free people, look at the pride of a people who have their future in their hands. It is worth it every single day.

But if the insurgents wanted to stop people in Baghdad from voting, they failed. If they wanted to cause chaos, they failed. The voters were completely defiant, and there was a feeling that the people of Baghdad, showing a new, positive attitude, had turned a corner.

They failed big time.

Check out Friends of Democracy for all kinds of information on the election in Iraq.