Saturday, July 24, 2004

Maybe Zambrano is just confused with life.

Zambrano vowed again Friday he would not change his fiery demeanor.

"Sometimes somebody has to wake up their team," Zambrano said. "Sometimes somebody has to do something to get things going. But I didn't do that to wake up the team. If I have to do something to get them emotionally up, I will do it."

Is he taking lessons from Dusty Baker on how to deal with the media? Say two completly opposite things in the same sentence and then let you the reader decide what he is really saying. It is like those choose your own adventure books from the 80's.

But the main point of the article is Baker is upset why Morris didn't get suspended. 1) Morris didn't hit any one. 2) Morris didn't hit the same guy twice 3) Morris didn't hit a guy after the previous guy hit a HR. That is why Morris gets no punishment while Zambrano does.