Saturday, July 03, 2004

Carlos Delgado has been refusing to stand outside the dugout when the American anthem is being played. Why?

Delgado told the Toronto Star that he's been refusing to stand outside the dugout for the song when it's played in some American cities because "I don't believe it's right, I don't believe in the war."

"But I think it's the stupidest war ever. Who are you fighting against? You're just getting ambushed now. We have more people dead now, after the war, than during the war. You've been looking for weapons of mass destruction. Where are they at? You've been looking for over a year. Can't find them. I don't support that. I don't support what they do. I think it's just stupid."

Umm we are fighting terrorism and those nations that support terrorism. You know that guy Zarqawi running around chopping peoples heads off? Al Qaeda trained him, Saddam funded him.

And notice how he says, you're and you. But when Delgado brings up the war dead he is suddenly one of us by saying, we. -shakes head- Screw you Delgado. Screw you.

Ohh and about those pesky WMD, that is getting zero press coverage.

The warheads all contained cyclosarin, multinational force commander Polish Gen. Mieczyslaw Bieniek said.

"Laboratory tests showed the presence in them of cyclosarin, a very toxic gas, five times stronger than sarin and five times more durable," Bieniek told Poland's TVN24 at the force's Camp Babylon headquarters.

"If these warheads, which were still usable, were used on a military base like Camp Babylon, they would have caused unforeseeable damage."

The tests were done by U.S. experts, who were conducting more.

The munitions were found in a bunker in the Polish sector, but Polish officials refused to be more specific.

Gee you think Carlos Delgado or the anti-war left will apologize? Not a chance, they will just move the goal posts a little bit farther.

Update: Is this enough WMD? Is two-tons enough WMD now? Oh wait, nuclear doesn't count, it needs to be chemical to count right? Just keep pushing the goal posts farther and farther away.