Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Why do you think I hate the anti-war left? For crap like this.....

I NOTICED four people from the peace group preparing to display an unusually long banner, so I decided to check it out for myself. Putting on my "friendly face," I slipped in behind them to take a peek.

"What you got there?" I asked, looking over the top of the banner.

It was a series of photographs, most of them formal portraits of soldiers in uniform. It took a moment to register, but then I was hit by a wave of rage. "These are servicemen who died in Iraq!"

"That's right," replied the middle-aged woman standing closest to me.

"I know two of these guys - they were my friends! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!"

"What do you mean, we can't do this?"

"Did you get permission from their families to use their photos? You don't speak for them - these men did not die for your cause!"

"No, they died for OIL."

Now I was really angry. "That is the MOST INSULTING thing I've EVER HEARD!" I was raising my voice now. "Nobody joins the military because they love OIL, they volunteer because they value FREEDOM!"

Doing this on our independence day weekend no less. Does the anti-war left have any sense of morality what so ever? It sickens me and disgusts me the methods they will do to peddle their pathetic message on the backs of dead soldiers.

Luckily Lt. Smash has been counter protesting these individuals in Victory Vigils down in San Diego. I wish all of our soldiers could come back safe in sound, but some will fall in this conflict against hatred and terrorism.

I remember part of the pledge when I joined the Army and raised my right hand. "To defend this nation against all enemies foriegn and domestic." When you say those words you know that you are possibly putting your life on the line to defend freedom, and democracy. We don't sign up so some people can put our face on a banner when we are dead and unable to voice our own personal opinion. It is a perfect target for the Anti-war left, because the dead can't fight back. Pathetic, just plain pathetic.